Independence: detecting early signs of vulnerability makes it possible to take preventive measures and maintain an elderly person’s independence

In order to allow seniors to continue living at home independently, it is essential to be able to detect the early warning signs of vulnerability before a fall.

Once an elderly person has had a fall, it is then likely that they will no longer be able to live alone at home.


Detecting a change in a senior’s activity in advance

Detecting a deterioration in a senior’s activity is helpful not only for their relatives, but also for professionals such as the managers of seniors’ residences.

In this way, they are able to provide more support if needed.

The goals are multiple: to act before a fall, reduce the risk of falling and prevent isolation.

Once deterioration in an elderly person’s health has been detected, appropriate services or assistance can be put in place:

– Assistance with getting up in the morning will help a person who skips their breakfast to start their day well-nourished and hydrated,

– Drug treatment may be reassessed,

– A urinary infection or intestinal disorder should be ruled out in the case of a person who starts to get up frequently during the night.

The Otono-me Residences solution helps to better prevent loss of independence: when a change in the elderly person’s activity is identified, a “signs of vulnerability” alert is sent by text message or email to the carers or the professional.

How detecting signs of vulnerability works

Otono-me Residences is based on discrete sensors installed in the elderly person’s home and Telegrafik’s artificial intelligence algorithms that track the person’s activity.

The solution automatically detects a deterioration in the elderly person’s activity and informs carers or professionals.

Signs of vulnerability alerts are sent daily and monthly.

Case 1 – Daily signs of vulnerability: A senior who is normally active at home and goes out regularly has not left their home for 3 consecutive days. An alert is sent to the residence caretaker prompting them to visit the elderly person.

Case 2 – Monthly signs of vulnerability: A senior’s activity at home has been lower in recent weeks than usual. An alert is sent to family caregivers by text message so that they check on their elderly relative.

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