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Connected objects / tech

Discover in this category all the articles linked to connected objects, new technologies and Internet of Things.

Digital and other new technology helping with ageing at home

New technology will contribute more and more to home support services for elderly or vulnerable people.


Here are 3 concrete examples of what it can bring.

The example of safety

The majority of families have heard of remote assistance devices with an emergency call button to be carried on one’s person, which can be pressed for rescue in the event of a problem.

These devices can now be supplemented by sensors, installed in the casing, that enable remote monitoring of activity.

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Three key figures showing that our ageing populations need Big Data

Our ageing population is a reality which must profoundly modify how our society functions, as shown by the following 3 key points:

1. Life expectancy will increase by 8 years globally:

big data population vieillissanteWe are going to live for longer than ever before in the history of humanity. A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study in the United States predicts that life expectancy at birth will increase by 8 years by 2050 globally. In 2015, life expectancy was 68.6 years; it will increase to 76.2 years in 2050.

100% of European countries have ageing populations, a consequence of very low birth rates and increased life expectancy.



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