There are more and more family carers in France who struggle to balance their personal and professional lives. In order to support them on a daily basis, it has become essential to provide tools enabling them to watch over their loved ones at a distance. The Otono-me by Telegrafik app responds to their daily concerns.
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The 3 key points of the law on adapting society for an ageing population
Telegrafik has decided to look into the law on adapting society for an ageing population, which came into force on 1 January 2016. This law aims in particular to promote access to services improving prevention and social ties, such as the innovative Otono-me service, for elderly people living alone at home.
We have identified 3 key points of this law:
What does it mean to age well at home?
This is a vast subject, and we are not attempting to treat it exhaustively in this article.
However, in the course of our projects and contact with different players of the senior citizen industry, we have identified and listed a number of key points, which we wanted to share in this article.
Telegrafik, a company specialising in innovative connected services, is helping to reduce the loss of autonomy and allow elderly people to live well for at home for as long as possible.
What is the Funding Conference?
Telegrafik was selected by the department of Aisne as part of the Funding Conference for a large-scale project to provide the Otono-me service to a pilot population. The Funding Conference is a measure resulting from Law No 2015-1776 of 28 December 2015 relating to adapting society for an ageing population.
Composition and functioning: players who work together to answer the problem of an ageing population
The Funding Conference’s main objective is to coordinate funding for the prevention of loss of autonomy in each French department around a common strategy.[1]
As its name suggests, it is made up of the main players involved in managing and funding the ageing population, including the departmental council, the regional health agency (ARS), pension funds (CARSAT / MSA / RSI), public health insurance (CPAM), the national housing agency (ANAH), AGIRRC / ARCCO (France’s main private-sector supplementary regime), and the Mutualité Française (French Mutual).
The members organise meetings in order to adopt the coordinated funding programme and the action plan envisaged for each year, with funding from the French national funding agency for the elderly and handicapped (CNSA).
How Otono-me effectively complements triggers and fall detectors: explanations
This week, the Otono-me service twice prevented a vulnerable elderly person from being left on the ground after a fall.