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“Roadmap” of the Silver Economy: Key points to remember

The Silver Economy sector was relaunched on 22 October 2018 by Agnès Buzyn, French minister for Health and Solidarity.  This was when the minister entrusted France Silver Eco to redraft a roadmap of the Silver Economy for the next two years.

The aim: speed up the process and put operational plans in place to broadcast potential practical solutions for vulnerable persons and their relatives as effectively as possible.

Roadmap of the Silver Economy: Key points to remember

Keep reading to find out about the roadmap’s key points

1) The 3 cornerstones of the roadmap are to:

  • Bring all active parties together.
  • Popularise the Silver Economy.
  • Facilitate the market release of existing services, making them known to the General Public more effectively.

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The “Nursing Home at home” explained

The Nursing Home at home is a device allowing dependent elderly people to benefit from the technology available in Nursing Homes in the comfort of their own. The aim: allow people to continue to grow old in the comfort of their own home in complete safety, preventing potentially dangerous situations.

In fact, the desire for care at home is shared by seniors and their carers, but also by the State, as shown by the French Act on adapting society to an ageing population (ASV), from the 28 December 2015, which places an emphasis on care at home for the elderly.

nursing home at home

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Time to assess the 3Pegase project, benefiting elderly people with diminishing autonomy

Launched in 2015, the 3Pegase consortium,  grouping together 6 industrial entities, has been working on the development of a system to prevent the loss of autonomy and to provide a follow-up service for frail elderly people.

Today, 3years after its launch,3Pegase signals the end of its project, issuing a very positive initial assessment which points to a larger-scale clinical study being conducted.

It was at the initiative of Telegrafik, a company specialising in home-support connected services for frail persons and in patient telemonitoring, that this project was created.

One objective: to provide frail elderly persons with a secure environment and to be able to monitor them more efficiently when they returned home after a period of hospitalisation.

3Pegase: anticipating the recurrent problem issues facing senior patients

It was in the context of the Easy Novcall for projects with the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council, that the Gerontology Unit at the Toulouse University Hospital, the Toulouse IT Research Institute, Orange, Telegrafik, Telemedicine Technologies and Serena joined forces within aconsortium to implement the 3Pegase project (Predictive Platformfor Elderly People and Assistance). Its main aim was to propose a monitoring solution for patients at home.


Read the full Press Release here

Alzheimer’s disease: definition and symptoms

Alzheimer is a progressive disease particularly causing memory, thought and behavioural disorder. More often than not, the signs of the disease appear slowly and evolve over time. Depending on the patients, the disease can develop more or less rapidly, usually over 5 to 20 years. While the people suffering from the disease are invariably over 65 years of age, it should be noted however that it is not exclusively linked to ageing. The onset of Alzeimer’s can be earlier, often between the ages of 40 and 50 for some 5% of people suffering from the disease.
alzheimer disease
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Otono-me innovative remote assistance: the solution for vulnerable or elderly people living at home

The French population is continuing to age. INSEE (the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) revealed that by 2050, one person in three will be over 60 [1]. The people who will reach the age of 60 by 2050 are all already born. Longer life expectancies will only continue to increase in the years to come.

The existing solution for providing safety for elderly people at home is remote assistance with a call button. It means that they will receive assistance if they suffer a fall or are taken ill, for example. Unfortunately, elderly people sometimes refuse to wear their call button or don’t activate it in the event of an accident.

Otono-me, the innovative remote assistance that finally offers a real answer for elderly people who are losing their independence

teleassistance innovante otono-me Read more


Hard, soft… there are so many qualifiers when it comes to talking about falls in the elderly depending on whether the person falls suddenly or slips against a wall or leans on a chair before falling.

Here are some figures that show the need to prevent these falls:

  •         They are the number one cause of death in elderly people
  •         20% require hospitalisation
  •         9% cause a fracture (mostly of the femur neck)
  •        40% of elderly people are referred to specialist institutions after a fall

These falls affect one in three seniors over the age of 65 each year.

fall-seniors Read more

Telemedecine Technologies and Telegrafik announce their collaboration

Telegrafik announces its collaboration with Telemedicine Technologies SA, a collaborative software publisher in e-Health and leader in the field of Clinical Research.

After a successful first collaboration as part of the 3PEGASE project to monitor vulnerable elderly people living at home and prevent their loss of independence, Telemedicine Technologies and Telegrafik are sealing their partnership.

telemedecine technologies

Telegrafik’s intelligent sensor data analysis platform is now linked to Telemedicine Technologies’ CleanWEB solution and integrates the TECH-Alliance.

Through this partnership, Telegrafik can make its cutting-edge data processing and algorithmic expertise available to Clinical Research via the CleanWEB platform.


Read the full newsflash here


Ageing more independently with Telegrafik

Article published on 2 December 2018, Author: Jean-Luc Martinez

Some members of the successful Telegrafik team around CEO Carole Zisa-Garat./ Photo DDM.

Having already won the BPI France Digital Innovation Contest in 2017, the Colomiers-based start-up Telegrafik has just received the Futurapolis Le Point Contest’s Connected Objects Award. This distinction rewards a recent but convincing solution for independence among the elderly.

Our goal is to postpone moving into a retirement home for 12 to 18 months,” says Carole Zisa-Garat, CEO of the young company that employs 15 people at its Semidias premises at Perget and in its Parisian office. “Once people are in a routine, we watch over them in the event of a fall or a change in behaviour.”

Thanks to the Otono-me remote assistance service, the start-up uses artificial intelligence to serve human well-being. A caring attentiveness that detects anomalies and alerts the elderly person’s relatives or the emergency services if necessary. Sensors installed in the rooms of the elderly person’s house alert an operator, in a monitoring centre 24/7. Thanks to an intercom, a verbal exchange can even take place without the person being able to reach a telephone.


Read the full article here

Otono-me Edao EHPAD (residential home for the elderly), the only risk situation detection solution validated by a Hospital Clinical Research Program

At the end of 2016, there were about 728,000 people in France living in EHPADs, for a total of 6,884 registered EHPADs. In addition, an EHPAD resident has an average of 2 falls/year and 50% of nocturnal falls go undetected. Finally, the longer a resident spends on the ground, the greater the “post-fall” associated pathologies and the costs to the community.

In this context, an independent assessment of great methodological reliability was carried out in the Limousin region on 550 patients for 3 years. 3 EHPADs were equipped with the solution in two parallel groups: a group of equipped patients and another unequipped group.

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The Point Futurapolis innovation festival surveys innovative companies with high growth potential every year! In this year’s edition, the spotlight is on Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Data Processing and Cyber Security.

This prize rewards the work of Telegrafik who strives every day to bring the latest innovations of Internet of Things to the service of aging well at home and in institutions!

futurapolis prix iot

Are seniors thriving?

82%: the percentage of seniors who are fully satisfied with the life they lead1.

How old do you have to be to define yourself as a “senior”?

Seniors define themselves as such from the age of 641. In comparison, in 2017, individuals defined themselves as “seniors” from the age of 67.

In general, people over the age of 55 feel like seniors once they retire. As long as they are still working, only 24% fit into this category of the population.

Discover the whole article here


Senior residences are accommodations for autonomous, non-disabled or semi-disabled people who are over 60 years of age. This type of accommodation is an excellent way for seniors to break the isolation by fostering social relationships while keeping their autonomy.

The staff of the residence accompany the residence’s seniors on a daily basis. Their mission: organize activities for the residents and support them when needed.

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Tavie Otono-me, the new solution to serve lonely and frail people

The telecare company Tavie launches Tavie Otono-me, a protection system adapted to lonely and frail people. This innovative remote assistance allows them to live as long as possible in their own homes, in complete security.

Tavie Otono-me, a new product serving the growth of Tavie

Along with the launch of this new product, Tavie, a French national company strongly anchored in the regions of Bordeaux and in the South of the Gironde, are hiring, and announced the signing of 2 new partnerships.

« Tavie Otono-me will contribute to the growth of our business by enabling us to meet the needs of families, who are increasingly on the look out for intelligent solutions capable of automatically detecting problems faced by frail family members», explains Julie Castet, president of Tavie.

The solution is of particular interest for people with memory impairments, or people with Alzheimer’s disease who will not think to use their emergency call medallion.


Read the whole Press Release here

Digital and other new technology helping with ageing at home

New technology will contribute more and more to home support services for elderly or vulnerable people.


Here are 3 concrete examples of what it can bring.

The example of safety

The majority of families have heard of remote assistance devices with an emergency call button to be carried on one’s person, which can be pressed for rescue in the event of a problem.

These devices can now be supplemented by sensors, installed in the casing, that enable remote monitoring of activity.

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How did Telegrafik come into being?

Every one of us knows an elderly person living alone at home.

Carole Zisa-Garat was worried about her grandmother and wanted her to be able to live at home safely for as long as possible. This is what gave her the idea for Telegrafik!

Telegrafik idea

In 2013, she decided to use new technology to make it easier for elderly people to stay at home, set up the Telegrafik company and launch the Otono-me service.

The service now protects hundreds of elderly people and reassures their loved ones on a daily basis.

“Telegrafik’s values: freedom, ethics and independence.”

How does Otono-me work?

Sensors make it possible to detect any unusual behaviour patterns in an elderly person’s routine. If they fall or become unwell, an alert is automatically sent to an assistance platform, which contacts them.

Friends and relatives can download the smartphone app and take care of their loved one every day.


See how Telegrafik developped, broadcast on M6:

Telegrafik meets seniors’ expectations at the Hauts-de-Seine hackathon

On 21 and 22 June, Pierre and Robin from the Telegrafik team proposed their solutions to the challenge of improving the quality of services offered to independent seniors! Organised by the Funding Conference of the Hauts-de-Seine department for preventing the loss of independence among elderly people, this hackathon took place in a context where a quarter of residents in Hauts-de-Seine will be over 60 years old by 2040.

A fine way for Telegrafik to close its 2017 project conducted in Hauts-de-Seine where 50 vulnerable people living alone at home were equipped with the Otono-me service, and to consider future steps to protect the department’s seniors in 2018.

seniors’ expectationsseniors’ expectations

A new home care service approved by seniors in the French department of Aisne!

The Otono-me service protected 100 seniors in the Aisne department in 2017, including this 80-year-old who was rescued last December: “It’s thanks to you that I’m still here, I wanted to say thank you!”
In 2018, a hundred more seniors will be able to safely continue living at home thanks to this innovation. The Onoto-me app also brings their loved ones peace of mind.

The Otono-me service responds effectively to the needs of elderly people and their loved ones

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