Launched in 2015, the 3Pegase consortium, grouping together 6 industrial entities, has been working on the development of a system to prevent the loss of autonomy and to provide a follow-up service for frail elderly people.
Today, 3years after its launch,3Pegase signals the end of its project, issuing a very positive initial assessment which points to a larger-scale clinical study being conducted.
It was at the initiative of Telegrafik, a company specialising in home-support connected services for frail persons and in patient telemonitoring, that this project was created.
One objective: to provide frail elderly persons with a secure environment and to be able to monitor them more efficiently when they returned home after a period of hospitalisation.
3Pegase: anticipating the recurrent problem issues facing senior patients
It was in the context of the Easy Novcall for projects with the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council, that the Gerontology Unit at the Toulouse University Hospital, the Toulouse IT Research Institute, Orange, Telegrafik, Telemedicine Technologies and Serena joined forces within aconsortium to implement the 3Pegase project (Predictive Platformfor Elderly People and Assistance). Its main aim was to propose a monitoring solution for patients at home.

Read the full Press Release here