Interview with Dr Nicolas Homehr, President of CPTS of South Toulouse, Expert in Digital Health

90% of elderly people want to grow old at home, and this is a major challenge, as homes are often no longer suitable for elderly people who are losing their independence.
“Telegrafik offers connected solutions for making the process of ageing comfortable, whether at home, in an old people’s home or in an EHPAD […]
Our job is to inform families or carers if something happens. It is an ethical company that makes an impact […] More globally, our shareholders are affected. This is what drives us every day.”
The EHPAD is undergoing a major transformation, it must reinvent itself in order to be adapted to new diseases and guarantee better care”, explains Ladislas de Cours, Operations Director South at SGMR Les Opalines. In particular, in order to respond to the need for groups of EHPADs to set up more and more services geared towards care at home.
Why home care supported by an EHPAD resource?
“83% of elderly people report that they feel more reassured. The loved ones gain peace of mind on a daily basis. […]
Mentalities are changing, the younger old people of today will be the old people of tomorrow, and they are people used to all the new technologies and thus more likely to demand this type of solution”.
“The Otono-me EDAO & EHPAD solution is based on a video monitoring device installed in residents’ rooms. It is the only solution validated by a Hospital Clinical Research Programme: […]
The device has allowed a 15% reduction in the incidence of serious falls and a 47.9% reduction in costs incurred”.
“This project is […] one of the most successful technology projects followed through in recent years. The solution was very well accepted by the patients who felt safe. The project demonstrated the reliability of the ‘end-to-end’ platform, from the processing of sensor data in the home to the remote assistance service .
The success of this clinical study means that a larger cohort can now be planned in the coming months.”
“The ageing of our population raises a […] challenge, […] namely that of old age, of dependence, a subject that makes us uncomfortable. Dependency is here to stay, and this new vulnerable age of life is taking hold”, said French President Emmanuel Macron in a speech to the Congress of the Mutualité Française in 2018.
“In terms of client feedback, I have 95% positive about Otono-me. It’s a really good product: I can’t tell you anything negative, because I don’t have anything negative. No problems! This is a plus for our beneficiaries, and also for us compared to the competition. For one gentleman I met, it was a joy because the application showed him when his mother went out. As she was becoming more senile, he could ensure that she returned home safely and didn’t get into trouble.
Personally, at the time I wanted to keep my grandmother at home, I knew her needs, and I would really have wanted her to have this device.”
“The people we received were able to benefit from the device. This approach, which is interesting because of its novelty and attractiveness, allows work on dual tasks and attention, which are essential functions for continuing with daily life activities.
We couldn’t help noticing the support and motivation of the residents who had the opportunity to test this device […] the desire to continue the experiment long-term, delighted with the possibilities of virtual activities offered, which they certainly didn’t imagine as practical…”
“Mum didn’t eat or drink any more. When it was very hot, as I could see that she wasn’t on the move, I soon realised that she wasn’t getting up to drink. So, I went round there. It’s lots of little things like that. She always had the same routine, for example.
This tool allowed me to see some days that she was not up at 11am!”
“Much more reassuring than conventional emergency call devices, this new generation remote assistance provides day and night protection for elderly people and peace of mind for their families.
This project is part of our association’s core actions: to provide the necessary support for elderly people in our region to develop with them a project to improve their everyday lives, and to commit to working with respect for their and their families’ lifestyles.”
“I’m so grateful to the Otono-me service, because thanks to them I was quickly taken care of when I had a stroke. I’m delighted because the sensors were very reactive and it’s thanks to this that I don’t have any paralysis today.”
Published on 2019/12/20 – Constance de Cambiaire, Sébastien Pierrot, Claire Abé
“Whether in care, dependency or home help, there is no shortage of success stories for businesses dealing with people over 80.
The senior citizens sector concerns goods and services aimed at people over 80 years of age. The economy of the elderly might still “only weigh” €500 million, but “it will explode in the next fifteen years or so”, assures Frédéric Serrière, strategic advisor on demographic ageing issues. Indeed, according to INSEE, the number of super-senior citizens will exceed 6 million by 2035. With their focus on the health sector, these new businesses have a bright future ahead of them.”
Autonomy: Telegrafik
“Thanks to Otono-me and its fall prevention solution, this Toulouse-based start-up is dusting off the tele-assistance system. “Our sensors detect activity anomalies, for example, when someone is no longer standing up. That person’s relatives are notified via a mobile application”, explains 39-year-old founder Carole Zisa-Garat. The new company, which employs 13 people and turned over €1 million in 2017, is this year offering two new solutions for the general public, both reimbursed by mutual funds.”
When we come to set up a smart solution in a residence for senior citizens or a nursing home, we often say to you: “Focus on your job, we’ll take care of the technical side of things”.
Because we are committed to offering you Telegrafik’s comprehensive service. An appointed representative, an involved team, and most importantly, fully functioning devices for fall detection or preventing loss of autonomy.
From installation to commissioning, we set up everything you need for a service of the highest quality. Then, day and night, we ensure your solution continues to work: you receive alerts when a resident is struggling or needs to be seen by a doctor, and your data is recorded and analysed. We provide you with customer service and ensure your solution receives regular maintenance. In addition, we update your installation if your needs change.
Telegrafik is the ideal partner to help you design your customised IoT projects and put them into practice. We support you at each stage of your projects with the help of Agile software development: DESIGN & THINK, TEST & LEARN and BUILD & RUN. The aim: Better respond to your customers’ needs in order to generate growth drivers and better profitability.
Here we have some feedback from a project with an insurance company, covering the first two phases: DESIGN & THINK and TEST & LEARN.
Step 1 of the project consisted of defining the idea. To do this, we worked hand in hand with our partner’s teams. The aim: to have a precise vision of the needs of an insurance company and of the service expected by those it insures.
The chosen solution had to meet the following characteristics in particular, to be:
– accessible to the largest number of people, the general public, with high added value for carers
– attractive to a target audience of families with an elderly relative living alone at home
– able to alert carers automatically if there is a problem (e.g. falling, fainting) in their relative’s accommodation
– easily integrated into the care home
– a personalised smart-home system with a photo holder
We have chosen an idea that brings together safety monitoring, social bond and family communication:
Discreet sensors are installed in the elderly person’s accommodation. The carers can monitor the progression of the person’s daily activity through a smartphone application. They receive an alert in the event of a problem.
Plus, 1 to 3 photographs of the family sent by post every month.
Then the development was launched.
At the end of three months, the beta version solution was available.
This beta version included:
The solution was then implemented within families so that it could be tested in real conditions. For this step, families with an elderly relative living alone had to be recruited. We set up the service with elderly people and we ran it for four months.
At the end of this stage of the test, we sent out a qualitative satisfaction survey so as to have feedback on the service that was as precise as possible.
Feedback from families was very positive and the smartphone application was voted for by carers. In fact, 80% of carers used the application. They found this tool really useful and some used it daily to check that their relative’s activity was normal.
Testimonials: “It’s good to know if she is at home, or if she has gone out for the day or longer...I can see how long she has spent in her room with just a quick glance”
Finally, more than half of carers were prepared to pay to continue using the service.
The concept of the Smart Home will undergo major transformations over the coming years. Its revenue is expected to grow by 23.8% by 2020 (Source: Digital Market Outlook aggregated by Statista) and our everyday lives will change increasingly as a result. Our refrigerators, for example, will become intelligent. They will be able to tell us in real time what types of food are inside and place an order for us when we need to restock.