The Otono-me service protected 100 seniors in the Aisne department in 2017, including this 80-year-old who was rescued last December: “It’s thanks to you that I’m still here, I wanted to say thank you!”
In 2018, a hundred more seniors will be able to safely continue living at home thanks to this innovation. The Onoto-me app also brings their loved ones peace of mind.
The Otono-me service responds effectively to the needs of elderly people and their loved ones
The service, tested in 2017, has been well received by 100 seniors and their families. In fact, 88% of elderly people feel safer, and 90% of their family caregivers feel more reassured thanks to Otono-me.
The service also complements the traditional call-based hotline, which is still not used frequently enough by elderly people: only 40% of those who took part in the project said they regularly wear their panic button or wristband.
During the project, the Otono-me service helped elderly people by automatically detecting unusual behaviour in their daily routines.
The Funding Conference of the Aisne Department, the project’s primary sponsor, wants to help a large number of elderly people live at home safely and for longer
In 2017, more than 70% of the participants wished to keep the Otono-me service and pay for a subscription.
Based on this observation, Telegrafik and its funders have decided to make the service sustainable by offering it at an affordable price to allow all elderly people in Aisne to benefit from it.
If you are interested in benefiting from the Otono-me service at a preferential rate, please contact Anne-Cécile at Telegrafik directly on: +33 (0)5 82 95 50 52 or by sending an email to
Availability is limited to the first 100 applicants.
About Telegrafik
Created in Toulouse in 2013, Telegrafik is positioned on the border of the Internet of Things and the Silver Economy. The company has developed a smart software platform for data analysis to offer, among other things, services for home care of vulnerable people and remote monitoring of patients.
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About the Funding Conference
The Funding Conference is a measure resulting from Law No 2015-1776 of 28 December 2015 relating to adapting society for an ageing population. Its main objective is to coordinate funding for the prevention of loss of autonomy in each French department around a common strategy. Its programme includes, for example, improving access to equipment and individual technical aids, allocating autonomy packages to care homes, or even supporting carers.
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Press contact
Déborah Parès / +33 05 82 95 50 52